I thought those of you writing crime fiction might like to know about this email I just got from North American Review:
This email is to inform you of North American Review‘s upcoming contest specifically for mystery/hardboiled/crime noir pieces (submissions in other genres will be rejected without consideration). This contest will open December 1, 2016, and run until January 1, 2017. Those interested should submit their first two chapters or up to fifty pages in a Word document via Submittable. If chosen as a finalist, the NAR will request the entire piece. One finalist will be selected, and the NAR will publish their crime novel. Depending on the level of interest, the NAR would like to publish a crime noir a year under the GasStation Pulp banner.
I’m not usually big on contests, and I don’t know much about GasStation Pulp, but NAR is one of the most highly respected literary magazines in the country. Here are the details for the contest (which inexplicably they did not include in the email).
Good luck! – Meg